Operating System Information
In this example we are learn how we can get information about our operation system. In this example we are getting the OS name, its version and architecture of OS. We are using
getProperty(String key) to get the property of the OS. To get OS name we have key value
os.name,to get version we have
os.version and to get architecture we have
System class contains several useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated.
The method and its keys:
String getProperty(String key):
This method is used to get the system property.
S/No. | Key | Description |
1 | java.version | The version of Java Runtime Environment. |
2 | java.vendor | The name of Java Runtime Environment vendor |
3 | java.vendor.url | The URL of Java vendor |
4 | java.home | The directory of Java installation |
5 | java.vm.specification.version | The specification version of Java Virtual Machine |
6 | java.vm.specification.vendor | The name of specification vendor of Java Virtual Machine |
7 | java.vm.specification.name | Java Virtual Machine specification name |
8 | java.vm.version | JVM implementation version |
9 | java.vm.vendor | JVM implementation vendor |
10 | java.vm.name | JVM implementation name |
11 | java.specification.version | The name of specification version Java Runtime Environment |
12 | java.specification.vendor | JRE specification vendor |
13 | java.specification.name | JREspecification name |
14 | java.class.version | Java class format version number |
15 | ava.class.path | Path of java class |
16 | java.library.path | List of paths to search when loading libraries |
17 | java.io.tmpdir | The path of temp file |
18 | java.compiler | The Name of JIT compiler to use |
19 | java.ext.dirs | The path of extension directory or directories |
20 | os.name | The name of OS name |
21 | os.arch | The OS architecture |
22 | os.version | The version of OS |
23 | file.separator | The File separator |
24 | path.separator | The path separator |
25 | line.separator | The line separator |
26 | user.name | The name of account name user |
27 | user.home | The home directory of user |
28 | user.dir | The current working directory of the user |
The code of the program is given below:
public class OpertingSystemInfo
public static void main(String[] args)
String nameOS = "os.name";
String versionOS = "os.version";
String architectureOS = "os.arch";
System.out.println("\n The information about OS");
System.out.println("\nName of the OS: " +
System.out.println("Version of the OS: " +
System.out.println("Architecture of THe OS: " +
} |
The output of the program is given below:
C:\convert\rajesh\completed>javac OpertingSystemInfo.java C:\convert\rajesh\completed>java OpertingSystemInfo The information about OS Name of the OS: Windows 2000
Version of the OS: 5.0
Architecture of The OS: x86 |
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